Frequently Asked Questions

I ordered something, where is it?
After you place your order you will get a confirmation email, it usually takes a day to pack orders for pick up or delivery. Once your order is ready to be picked up or delivered a second email is sent either inviting you to come on down and grab your order or that it is on it's way to you. This email will have your tracking number.
How do I find my tracking number?
After your order has been packed up and picked up we will send you an email notifying you and giving you a tracking number. Check your email for a message from us titled "your order has shipped".
What does Portland Only mean?
Some of our products are only available in Portland, primarily fresh foods like eggs and cheese and wine and vermouth. Unfortunately at this time we are unable to ship these items, check back as these will periodically change.
I'm a Olive Oil CSA member, how do I use my credit?
You'll get your code via email about 60 days after you purchase your CSA. Once you've got your code, you're welcome to use it online or in the store- just keep that email handy.
I had a promo code with Real Good Food, can I use it here?
You bet! We transferred your promo code over to Welllspent Market! Feel free to use the same code.
Can I buy a gift card?
Absolutely! Click here to buy a gift card for Wellspent Market.
Do you ship?
We ship pretty much everything except perishables like cheese and dairy, alcohol, and kimchi (it might explode!).