Talkin' Bread with Andrew Barton
Thursday, September 22, 2022
5pm - 7pm
935 NE Couch St. Portland, OR 97232
On Thursday, September 22nd we're hosting Portland-based author and publisher Andrew Barton to talk all things bread. Like many of us, Andrew spent lockdown baking endless loaves, exploring the finer points of dough, and tinkering with flours milled from various grains. He turned these experiences into a book-length love letter to the pleasures of baking called The Long Loaf, recently published in a handsome volume by Andrew's own Two Plum Press.
He will be sharing recipes, stories, and yes, actual bread alongside wine from his dear friends Jenny and Jim of Forest Grove's Fossil & Fawn winery. Bread and wine: the historically significant pairing coming to Wellspent Market!
Images via @twoplumpress @fossilandfawn