3rd Annual
How Have You BEAN?
Sunday, December 1th, 2024
11am - 3pm
3402 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97202
We’re thrilled to welcome back La Merenda Farm and Slow Food PDX for the 3rd Annual celebration of legumes that we call How Have You Bean? Wellspent founder Jim is making a big ol’ pot of beans, Slowfood PDX will be on hand with the low-down on all sorts of legumes, and La Merenda Farm is bringing dried beans, homemade miso, and flowers to sell. Make sure to come on down and learn all about dried beans, chat with the friendly farmers who grow ‘em, grab a bean ‘zine, take home your very own bean seeds, and make general merriment with fellow bean freaks.

Image credit goes to @LaMerendaFarm