How Have You BEAN?
Sunday, December 11th, 2022
1pm - 4pm
935 NE Couch St. Portland, OR 97232
Hosted in collaboration with Wellspent Market, Slow Food PDX, and La Merenda Farm. Gather 'round to celebrate all things dry beans! Connect with bean growers, learn from bean researchers, stock up on beans for the long winter, and sample bean dishes in the warm company of fellow bean-thusiasts.
Who will be there:
Wellspent Market - Purchase some of the last remaining iconic heirloom beans from Ayers Creek Farm and other delicious products. Enjoy a warm pot of beans from Bean expert Jim Dixon and sip on refreshing beverages.
La Merenda Farm - Stock up on beans, zines about beans, and other beanie goodies. Sample dishes made with different heirloom bean varieties served by Elbows Catering.
Slow Food PDX - Learn about the worldwide Slow Beans movement and how to grow and save your own bean seeds at home!
Friends of Family Farmers - Information on local farm advocacy networks and farm community involvement opportunities.
Dry Farm Institute - Learn about work with bean crops that thrive in a climate-friendly, non-irrigated system.

Image credit goes to @LaMerendaFarm and @SlowFoodPortland